Using summative and formative assessment to promote learning

Formative and summative assessment are central components of university teaching that is effective for learning. However, in order for assessment methods to unfold their potential to promote learning, they must be meaningfully integrated into the didactic design of the course and also be utilized by the teachers and students. For teachers, this raises questions such as:

  • What does “assessment conducive to learning” mean?
  • When, how often, how and why should which assessment methods be used?
  • How can assessment be used constructively by teachers and students?

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand current research findings on the effectiveness of assessment and feedback
  • Understand quality characteristics, forms and timing of assessment that promote learning (e.g. competence orientation, constructive alignment)
  • Name different online and face-to-face assessment methods and reflectively weigh up their possible uses in (your own) teaching (e.g. classroom assessment techniques)
  • Develop and present an “assessment strategy” for your own course(s), taking into account formative and summative elements. 

About our trainer:

PD Dr. Sabine Hoidn, head of the SCL (Student-Centered Learning) Lab and lecturer at School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, Sabine Hoidn holds a doctorate in business education. She received the Venia Legendi in educational science, in particular university didactics, from the University of Zurich in 2018. More about Sabine Hoidn:

University: Universität Bayreuth
Seminar host: Dr. Sabine Hoidn
Seminar ID: ZHL SS2023 34S Assessment
ZHL der Universität Bayreuth
Nürnbergerstr. 38, Bayreuth
This seminar takes place online and is organised through ZOOM.
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barrier-free access
Dates: 09.05.2023 , 09:00 - 12:30 Uhr
16.05.2023 , 09:00 - 12:30 Uhr

The following attendance fees apply:

  • For all teaching staff (research assistants, professors, teachers for special tasks) with a full-time position (75% to 100% working time), 40 €
  • For all teaching staff (research assistants, professors, teachers for special tasks) with a part-time position (up to and including 74.9% working time), 24 €
  • Teachers from universities of applied sciences and persons outside a Bavarian university pay the participation fee for external participants, 400 €
  • All others, 400 €

Available slots: 10 slots, thereof 5 available
Stufe: Basic and advanced level
Credible hours: Area D with 8 operation units
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