The Bavarian universities offer their instructors the opportunity to systematically strengthen their teaching competencies in a practice-oriented manner.
The form and content of this teaching training is based on international standards and can be completed by obtaining the Certificate for Teaching in Higher Education of the Bavarian Universities. This certificate, identical across Bavaria, serves as formal proof of its recipient’s teaching competencies and demonstrates their didactic and pedagogical qualifications in numerous application contexts.
The quality of the program is constantly monitored and improved by a committee of higher education professionals from the network ProfiLehrePlus of Bavarian Universities. This program specifically focuses on the competencies immediately relevant for the teaching and learning of university lecturers.
Bereiche hochschuldidaktischer Weiterbildung
Lehr-/Lernkonzepte (A):
Sie formulieren Lernziele kompetenzorientiert und zielgruppengerecht, konzipieren Lehrveranstaltungen z.B. nach den Prinzipien des Constructive Alignment und setzen diese mit geeigneten Methoden um. Sie unterstützen Lernprozesse - insbesondere selbstgesteuerte - und die Motivation Studierender in Präsenz-, Online- und Selbstlernzeiten.
Präsentation und Kommunikation (B):
Sie gestalten unterschiedliche Lehrformate unter rhetorischen Gesichtspunkten sprachlich angemessen. Sie wählen situationsangemessen analoge und digitale Medien zur Visualisierung und lernförderliche Methoden aus und setzen diese geeignet ein. Sie wenden Moderations- und Vortragstechniken zielführend und bedarfsgerecht an.
Prüfen (C):
Sie können Prüfungen kompetenzorientiert planen, durchführen und auswerten. Sie setzen dazu geeigneten Prüfungsformate rechtskonform ein. Sie gehen kompetent mit kritischen Situationen in Prüfungen und mit Fehlerquellen in Gestaltung und Umsetzung von Prüfungen um.
Reflexion und Evaluation (D):
Sie reflektieren das eigene Lehrverhalten und ihr Selbstverständnis als Lehrperson kritisch und entwickeln sich weiter. Dazu evaluieren sie ihre eigene Lehre mit geeigneten Methoden, insbesondere indem sie studentisches und kollegiales Feedback einholen.
Beraten und Begleiten (E):
Sie schaffen einen wertschätzenden und konstruktiven Rahmen für ein Beratungs- oder Betreuungsgespräch. Sie setzen Beratungsmethoden ein und sind sich in der Beratung ihrer Grenzen bewusst. Sie begleiten studentische Arbeiten in einem strukturierten Prozess.
Structure of the Certificate
The Certificate for Teaching in Higher Education of the Bavarian Universities is structured in modules and can be acquired at a Basic, Advanced, and Specialization level.
By acquiring the Basic Level Certificate, you demonstrate the possession of basic knowledge through the completion of 60 study units of 45 minutes each (Arbeitseinheiten, AE), from all five areas. Currently, the Basic Level Certificate is being awarded directly by individual universities only. Please contact your university’s center for Higher Education Didactics for specific requirements.
The Advanced Level Certificate allows you to build upon the basic knowledge you gained previously, as well as adjust your teaching knowledge according to your individual teaching and learning context. Given the requirement of 120 study units of 45 minutes each, you have plenty of opportunities to explore services aimed at specific target groups and disciplines. The study units from the Basic Level Certificate count towards the Advanced Level Certificate. For the Advanced Level Certificate, you choose your individual program from the five areas A-E. The minimum requirement is 25 AE in each of the areas A and B and 10 AE in each of the areas C, D and E. As of 01.04.2021, the minimum requirements in area D will be increased to 25 AE. Teachers who have already taken courses before 01.04.2021 can complete their certificate according to the old minimum requirements until 31.03 2022. Please inform yourself about the regulations for transition applicable to this at your university’s center for Higher Education Didactics.
The Specialization Level Certificate of 200 study units of 45 minutes each is aimed at current teachers who want to reflect on their individual teaching style in greater depth. The AE of the Advanced Level Certificate are recognized for the Specialisation Level certificate. In an intense process, through teaching projects, teaching portfolios, peer coaching and expert coaching, previously gained skill sets are strengthened throughout 80 AE. Please contact your university’s center for Higher Education didactics for further information. Many universities already offer the Specialization Level Certificate. If this is not the case at your university, we, at the Bavarian network ProfiLehrePlus, will make every effort to find a solution so that you can acquire the specialization level certificate through collaboration.