ProfiLehrePlus incorporates the institutes for higher education teacher training of all Bavarian universities into a common network. It aims to systematically advance the certified teaching training in higher education and the sustained improvement of teaching quality. ProfiLehrePlus is one of the largest networks for certified higher education teacher training within Germany.
The local university institutes are autonomous, but have joined forces to form a common educational space. University teachers can participate in seminars from all universities without any administrative hassle towards the common Certificate for Teaching in Higher Education of the Bavarian Universities awarded by each university.
Through the central contact and information point in the common online program catalogue university teachers have quick and convenient access to the full range of seminars at all Bavarian Universities to take advantage of their complete thematic and methodical spectrum. This way seminars that fit in timing, location and content can be found easily. Common quality criteria guarantee the high quality of seminars at all institutes.
Seminars are offered in all areas of university teaching: teaching and learning concepts for on-site and online teaching, presentation and communication, examination, reflection and evaluation and advising and mentoring. They are supplemented by local counseling and support offers.
The close cooperation between the institutes encourages the intense exchange of expertise. Teaching innovations are dispersed fast and efficiently within the network and facilitate transfer. Additionally the common online program catalogue reduces administrative and marketing efforts of the university institutes.
![[Translate to Englisch:] Bild: Studierende und Lehrende gemeinsam in der Bibliothek beim Lernen](/fileadmin/_migrated/pics/contentbild_was_ist_plp.png)
"ProfiLehrePlus - Hochschullehre 2020" (project number 01PL11028A-J) is sponsored by BMBF through the federal program for the quality of teaching and learning in higher education (Qualitätspakt Lehre) and builds on the precursor projects „ProfiLehre“ und „Universitätsdidaktik Bayern – ProfiLehrePlus“. It ends on 31st of December 2020. Members of ProfiLehrePlus are the nine Bavarian state universities University of Augsburg, Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, University of Bayreuth, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Technical University Munich, University of Passau, University of Regensburg, Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, the two associated partner universities Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and Universität der Bundeswehr München, as well as the University of Bavaria e.V.