Innovative Teaching - Seminar for new Professors at the University of Bayreuth

As a newly appointed professor, you will face many challenges at your new university, especially in the area of teaching. With this workshop, the Centre for Higher Education Teaching (ZHL) at the University of Bayreuth offers you impulses to rethink your teaching and to design it innovatively. You will work on competences to design and implement courses in a goal-oriented and efficient way.
In the workshop, we build on your understanding of and experience in teaching. In this way, we want to do justice to the heterogeneity and the different perspectives of the participants and enrich the reflection process on your own teaching. The design possibilities for the (further) development of current teaching/learning scenarios will be dealt with depending on your individual state of teaching, your content and other framework conditions. Against the backdrop of social and technological changes, we also see the need to design future-oriented teaching/learning processes in interaction with students. The use of digitally supported methods offers great potential for the design of innovative teaching.
The aim of the workshop is for you to put your own teaching to the "test" in order to take up innovative impulses for the further development of your teaching, if necessary. The ZHL will be happy to support you in implementing new ideas in your teaching, especially in the following.


  • ZHL's support options for teaching
  • Exchange and reflection on your own teaching
  • Topics on the state of the art of university didactics, depending on your interests, e.g: Teaching-learning theories, didactic models, acquisition of competences, efficient conception of courses, motivation
  • Use of digitally supported methods (e.g.: audience response systems, teaching videos, tools for online courses)


    Joint start on 12.10.2023
    Self-learning time between the dates in the blended learning format (with approx. 2-3 hours time expenditure)
    joint conclusion on 20.10.2023

Contact person:
Centre for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (ZHL)
PD Dr. Frank Meyer
Telephone no.: 0921/55 4637

Organisational note:
Registration is only open to newly appointed professors who have been explicitly informed of this seminar by e-mail or with whom participation has been agreed as part of the appointment negotiations.

University: Universität Bayreuth
Seminar host: Paul Dölle, Dr. Frank Meyer
Seminar ID: ZHL SS2023 31P innovative
ZHL der Universität Bayreuth
Nürnbergerstr. 38, Bayreuth
This workshop will be a hybrid workshop. It's recommended to come to classroom in Bürocenter Bayreuth Süd (formerly Zapf) House No. 4, Room 4.2.12-13. If you're not able to come to Bayreuth, please inform us via mail.
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barrier-free access
Dates: 12.10.2023 , 09:00 - 12:30 Uhr
20.10.2023 , 09:00 - 12:30 Uhr

The following attendance fees apply:

  • Only for newly appointed professors of the University of Bayreuth, 0 €
  • Everyone else, 800 €

Available slots: 7 slots, thereof 0 available
Stufe: Basic and advanced level
Credible hours: Area A with 12 operation units
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