Culture and Intercultural Awareness

This seminar aims at providing the participants with an introduction to the practical knowledge and skills they would need to successfully interact in intercultural settings. Starting with an overview of the concept of culture, the participants will engage with their own cultural imprints, in order to understand the influence that this background has on one’s behaviour and communication. They will then take a closer look at different cultural characteristics and value systems, thus moving from self-awareness to awareness of the others. Using various interactive methods, they will reflect on the influence of these systems on ways of thinking and learning.
This will help the participants to not only appreciate the differences – and similarities! – but also create an understanding for the underlying sources of the same. Another important focus in this seminar is the sensitisation for subtle signs that could indicate possible points of friction in intercultural encounters, in order to find ways to manage these effectively.
The participants own experiences play a vital role – using practical examples and their personal experiences, they will apply the new insights and critically reflect on intercultural encounters, thus developing their intercultural competence and promoting intercultural learning. 

Key points of content

  • Culture and understanding of culture
  • Perception of self and the other
  • The impact of one’s own cultural characteristics on behaviour, communication and learning/work styles
  • Intercultural competence 
  • Reflection, application and transfer: class discussions, case studies, role plays and communication tasks

Special note on the Certificate Programme "Teaching with international students":

This workshop is part of a certificate programme. Please read here more about it:

In order to customise the seminar to the specific requirements of the participants, they will be requested to complete a pre-seminar questionnaire.

The current plan is to conduct this as a face-to-face seminar; however, it will also be possible to switch to a virtual format, should this become necessary.

This workshop will be held in English.

University: Universität Bayreuth
Seminar host: Jyotika Dalal
Seminar ID: FBZHL UBT SS25 05IK Culture
ZHL der Universität Bayreuth, Bürocenter Bayreuth Süd, Haus 4, Raum 4.2.12-13
Nürnbergerstr. 38, Bayreuth
This meeting will take place as a hybrid synchronous seminar. Attendance is strongly recommended, as the face-to-face exchange and the discussions during coffee breaks enable a different quality of getting to know each other. Participation via ZOOM is possible. The use of laptops/tablets is planned, so please bring a suitable device with you.
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barrier-free access
Dates: 14.05.2025 , 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr

The following attendance fees apply:

  • For all lecturers (academic staff, professors, teaching staff for special tasks) at a Bavarian university with a full-time position (75% to 100% working hours), 45 €
  • For all teachers (academic staff, professors, teachers for special tasks) at a Bavarian university with a part-time position (up to and including 74.9% working hours), 29 €
  • Teachers at universities of applied sciences and persons not affiliated with a Bavarian university pay the participation fee for external participants, 800 €
  • This seminar is suitable for the use of the ‘Voucher’ for UBT teachers. We ask for e-mail notification. Cancellation <15 days or no-show obliges to pay the participant price, 0 €

Available slots: 10 slots, thereof 10 available
Stufe: Basic and advanced level
Credible hours: Area A with 4 operation units
Area D with 4 operation units
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