Game “Activity” and teaching combined: create creative game cards for your seminar

The game “Activity” is the focus of this practice-oriented workshop. Participants learn how they can promote learning in courses through fun and a game character. They develop own game cards for their teaching directly in the workshop. First, participants get an overview of why the game “Activity” is suitable for teaching and how it can be used to promote the lower Bloom's competency areas - remembering and understanding. After that, they design their own game cards, which are tested in the workshop and can be used in the own teaching right after the workshop, preferably in small seminars.  

Who is this workshop for? If you want to integrate creative and game-oriented teaching methods into your courses and practice the basics with your students in a motivating way, this workshop is perfect for you. We will provide you with the necessary materials including game cards and an online tool for the game board, you just need to bring your laptop to the seminar.

AI will be used to create the game cards. It will be shown and tried out how AI can help to find suitable words for explaining, drawing and miming.

Afterwards, there is the opportunity to try out the developed game cards in the own teaching and to write a reflection report on it. An additional 2 AE can optionally be credited for this.

Key points of content:

  • Introduction to Bloom's taxonomy with a focus on the “remembering” and “understanding” skill areas-
  • Overview of the rules of Activity with the different task types (explaining, drawing, pantomime)
  • Creatively designing your own game cards
  • Trying out the game cards

Description of the speaker:

Dr. Anja Hager has been working at the ZHL at the University of Bayreuth since 2018. Her expertise lies in the use of digital tools in university teaching and she has many years of experience in conducting interactive seminars. She completed her doctoral thesis on the topic of promoting reflective skills and is currently the contact person for the certificate program “Future-Oriented University Teaching through Technology Integration”. With her enthusiasm for innovative teaching methods and her didactic perspective, she creates a pleasant learning atmosphere in her seminars that enables participants to have an inspiring and enriching learning experience. 

Universität: Universität Bayreuth
Seminarleitung: Dr. Anja Hager
Seminar ID: ZHL SS25 27S GameActivity
Center for Teaching an Learning at the University of Bayreuth (Zentrum für Hochschullehre, ZHL), House 1, Room 1.1.20
Nürnbergerstr. 38, Bayreuth
This seminar takes place in presence. You also get access to coffee, tea, pastries and water.
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Termine: 24.06.2025 , 13:30 - 17:00 Uhr

Es fallen folgende Teilnahmegebühren an:

  • Für alle Lehrenden (wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter*innen, Professor*innen, Lehrkräfte für besondere Aufgaben) an einer Bayerischen Universität mit einer Vollzeitstelle (75% bis 100% Arbeitszeit), 20 €
  • Für alle Lehrenden (wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter*innen, Professor*innen, Lehrkräfte für besondere Aufgaben) an einer Bayerischen Universität mit einer Teilzeitstelle (bis einschl. 74,9% Arbeitszeit), 12 €
  • Für studentische Tutorinnen und Tutoren kostenlos, 0 €
  • Lehrende von Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften zahlen den Teilnahmepreis für Externe, 200 €
  • Dieses Seminar eignet sich für den Einsatz des "Vouchers" für UBT-Lehrende. Wir bitten um E-Mailbenachrichtung. Absage <15 Tage oder Nichterscheinen verpflichtet zur Zahlung des TN-Preises, 0 €

Verfügbare Plätze: 12 Plätze, davon 12 frei
Stufe: Grund- und Aufbaustufe
Anrechenbare Stunden: Bereich A mit 2 Arbeitseinheiten
Bereich B mit 2 Arbeitseinheiten
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