[DiL] Mastering online assessment? Practical guide for the first steps
Important note:
The course is offered in ENGLISH. Tasks can be handed in in German or English.
How can I make good and meaningful use of online assessment in my teaching and learning events? Why should I opt for online assessment? What design and implementation options are there and for what purposes are they recommended? What pedagogical and technical aspects should I consider when designing, organising and implementing online assessment? This online self-study course addresses these questions and aims to provide you as lecturers with a comprehensive and practical introduction to the topic of online assessment and enables you to implement them to a high standard. In addition to theoretical and empirical knowledge, the course is designed to stimulate and support your knowledge deepening process through concrete practical examples, expert interviews and interactive tasks.
In Module 4 of the online course, you will also have the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the design and implementation options for online assessment in the context of virtual mobility and apply them to your own course.
The aim of this course is to provide HE lecturers with a comprehensive and practical introduction to the topic of online assessment (formative, summative, on-campus, remote) and to enable them to design, plan and qualitatively implement various digital examination scenarios.
Note: This course does not contain any FAU- or StudOn-specific content. The transfer to your own assessment practice can be ensured by completing the accompanying tasks.
Target group
Lecturers, educators (with and without experience in online assessment)
- Module 1: Basics of assessment and assessment practice (summative/formative, constructive alignment, quality criteria)
- Module 2: Online assessment and Design Choices (specifics and advantages of online assessment overview of assessment methods including an interactive decision aid)
- Module 3: Implementation online assessment (implementation steps incl. checklist, tools for implementation, ethical considerations, feedback strategies and quality assurance)
- Module 4 (optional): Online assessment in an international context (introduction to skills-based education and virtual mobility, design and implementation of online assessment in the context of virtual mobility)
You can either complete the entire course with modules 1-4 (8 AE) or a slightly shortened form with modules 1-3 (6 AE).
Learning objectives
After completing this course, learners
- know the general theoretical principles and advantages of (online) assessment and assessment practice
- are familiar with various online assessment methods, their features and possible applications. You have found suitable assessment formats for your course.
- are familiar with various tools and factors that need to be considered when selecting a suitable online assessment method
- will be able to identify pedagogical, technical and organisational issues associated with conducting an online assessment and take these into account when implementing your exam.
- are familiar with the concept and the various formats of virtual mobility in higher education and can assess specific learner skills in an international learning environment using appropriate methods.
This is a guided online self-study course over a 4-week period (06.11. – 04.12.2024). Within this period, you can work through the course content at your own pace. A tutor is online available in case support is needed. You will be given a set of 2-3 tasks to complete until 4.12 on which you will then receive feedback from the tutor.
Crediting of work units
- Modules 1-3 + assignment: 6 AE
- Modules 1-4 + assignment: 8 AE
If you have any questions regarding content or organisation, please contact digitale-lehre@ili.fau.de.
You can include this seminar in your elective or compulsory programme when applying for the [DiL] DIGITAL TEACHING subject certificate. Further information can be found here: https://digitale-lehre.fau.de/weiterbilden/dil-themenzertifikat/.
Universität: | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) |
Seminarleitung: | Isabella Dobler, Institut für Lern-Innovation (ILI) |
Ort: |
betreuter Online-Selbstlernkurs
via MOOC-Plattform, Sie erhalten die Zugangsdaten bis einen Tag vor Veranstaltungsbeginn Auf Google Maps anzeigen ![]() |
Termine: |
Kosten: |
Es fallen folgende Teilnahmegebühren an:
Verfügbare Plätze: | 100 Plätze, davon 87 frei |
Stufe: | Grund- und Aufbaustufe |
Anrechenbare Stunden: |
Bereich C mit 6 Arbeitseinheiten |
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