Basic Course of Teaching in Higher Education

This course on teaching in higher education will help you to understand basic didactic concepts and apply them to planning and teaching in your course. You will learn to reflect your role and your behaviour as a teacher and to continuously adapt and improve your teaching skills.

During the first day of the seminar, you will learn about teaching concepts and you will start planning your own course.

Between the first and the second meeting, you will work out the details of your teaching concept and implement it in your course.

The second day will focus on discussing and reflecting your concepts and your teaching experiences.

Learning objectives:
Participants will be able to
• Plan a course systematically taking into account the concept of construc-tive alignment
• formulate learning objectives
• choose and implement different teaching methods appropriate to reach the learning objectives 

• short Inputs
• group
• work
• self reflection
• (peer) feedback
• discussions
• presentations

University: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
Seminar host: Dr. Christa Baldioli
Dr.-Mack-Str. 77, 90762 Fürth
Technikum 2, 3. OG, Raum 4-32
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Dates: 30.09.2020 , 09:30 - 17:00 Uhr
28.10.2020 , 14:30 - 18:00 Uhr

The following attendance fees apply:

  • Lehrende einer Bayerischen Universität mit Vollzeit-Stelle (75-100%), 80 €
  • Lehrende einer Bayerischen Universität mit Teilzeit-Stelle (bis 74,9%), 48 €
  • Lehrender einer anderen Universität oder Fachhochschule, 260 €

Available slots: 12 slots, thereof 10 available
Stufe: Basic and advanced level
Credible hours: Area A with 12 operation units
Area D with 4 operation units
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